Prof. dr sci.med. Aleksandar Perić
Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Radno iskustvo:
1998-2001 Lekar opšte prakse, Dom zdravlja u Bogatiću, Šabac
2001-2005 Lekar na specijalizaciji iz otorinolaringologije, VMA, Beograd
2005-2014 Lekar specijalista otorinolaringologije, VMA, Beograd
2014-2019 Načelnik, Odeljenje otologije, Klinika za otorinolaringologiju, VMA, Beograd
2019-2023 Načelnik, Rinološki odsek, Klinika za otorinolaringologiju, VMA, Beograd
2011-2014 Asistent, Predmet otorinolaringologija, Medicinski fakultet, VMA, Beograd
2011-2013 Doktorska disertacija, Fakultet medicinskih nauka, Kragujevac
2014-2019 Docent, Predmet otorinolaringologija, Medicinski fakultet, VMA, Beograd
2019 Vanredni profesor, Predmet otorinolaringologija, Medicinski fakultet, VMA, Beograd
2005- Srpsko lekarsko društvo - ORL sekcija
2007- Evropsko rinološko udruženje
2009- Lekarska komora Republike Srbije
2015- Evropska akademija za alergologiju i kliničku imunologiju
2015-2021- Predsednik tinološkog aktiva sekcije za ORL srpskog lekarskog društva
2019- President of the organizing and scientific committee of the 2nd Balkan rhino forum, sinusitis, skull base and rhinoplasty meeting
2023- Serbian representative in the advisory board of the European rhinologic society
Seminari i sertifikati:
2004 Kurs funkcionalna i estetske hirurgije nosa Srpsko lekarsko društvo
2006 Basic course of functional endoscopic sinus surgery medical, University in Graz, Austria
2007 Kurs iz funkcionalne endoskopske hirurgije paranazalnih sinusa, VMA, Beograd
2010 Kurs iz funkcionalne endoskopske hirurgije paranazalnih sinusa, VMA, Beograd
2013 Advanced course of endoscopic sinus surgery medical, Faculty in Maribor, Slovenia
2021 ERS - ISIAN - IRS Congress 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece, European rhinologic Society
2023 Nordic congress of otolaryngology, Reykjavik, Iceland Nordic Association of otolaryngology
Stručni tekstovi i reference:
2019 Perić A, et al. Choanal polyps in children and adults: 10-year experience. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2019;276(1):107-113.
2019 Perić A, et al. Hypertonic sea water in patients with aspirin-induced chronic rhinosinusitis. Acta Otolaryngol 2019;139(6):529-535.
2020 Perić A, et al. Herbal drug EPs 7630 vs. amoxicillin in acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2020;129(10):969-976.
2021 Perić A, et al. Epithelial squamous metaplasia and dysplasia in inflammatory nasal polyps. Ear Nose Throat J 2021;100(2):120-124.
2023 Perić A, et al. Occupational rhinitis caused by hypersensitivity to black pepper. Occup Med (London) 2023;73(3):167-169.
2023 Perić A, et al. Inflammatory mediators in nasal secretions of patients with nasal polyposis. Immun Inflamm Dis 2023;11:e791.
2023 Perić A, et al. Chondromesenchymal hamartoma with nasopharyngeal involvement. Ear Nose Throat J 2023;102(1):NP8-NP12.